Off-Campus UPTU Counselling 2010 will be starting from 10th July 2010 and ends on 13th July 2010. UPTU Off-Campus counselling is just the rehearsal or practice of On-Campus Counselling. The successful candidates in SEE UPTU Exams, can attend OFF-Campus Counselling and submit there choice of trades, streams and colleges, by this they can predict and analyze their chances of getting their choice of colleges and trades, according to there SEE UPTU Rank.
UPTU Off-Campus Counselling is done by the comparative manner, that is it depends on the number of students that take part in off campus counselling. It only provide an overview of On-Campus Counselling procedure and the chances of getting trades, streams and colleges of choice.Candidates can use any computer system having an Internet connectivity, from home or any cyber-cafe.
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UPTU Off Campus Counselling 2010
Posted by S.Shaswat
Posted on 1:43 PM
with 104 comments
hi.... can u please tell me that which college or stream i can get if my rank under glbc category is 300.plz plz do reply at
ReplyDeleteJasmine please provide your general rank too and please don't leave your mail ID here.
ReplyDeletemy general girls rank is 39000. n grls catagory rank is 8000.can i get cs or it in shree ramswaroop engg college lko.............
ReplyDeletemy nane is simran agrahari. i got general rank 54684 and girl quota rank 10155. please tell me which college i pefer.
ReplyDeletemy email id-
sir my name is rahul uptu rank (ge-31251and obc -8483).sir please send good private college on my
ReplyDeleteplease inforn good college on my rank in uptu.
roll no.-8501133
HI ! My general ranking is 37714.
ReplyDeleteMy OBC ranking is 10441.
Which can I expect for this rsnk.
Thank you !
Sir my name is Surbhi Singh. my uptu rank (ge-80140 & sc-5478 & scgl-907) plz snd some private colleges on my & also tell witch stream i"ll get........
ReplyDeletesir myself akshay goyal got 18650 in general category which colleges can i get with cs branch
ReplyDeletei have got 72856 in gen cateogery and 20967 in obc rank.. which colleges may i get on these rank.. please mail on this..
ReplyDeletemy scgl rank is 909. can i got a govt college.
ReplyDeletemy uptu rank is (ge-57336 & AF-1548). which colleges may i get on these rank.. please mail on this..
ReplyDeletei have got 57336 in gen cateogery and 1548 in defence rank.. which colleges may i get on these rank.. please mail on this..
ReplyDeleteplzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me gen rank is 66560 n with obc n defence my rank is 644,can i get any good pvt.colleges ?
ReplyDeletemy b.arch rank is 2932 n with kota its 28...can i get 4 b.arch?
My name is Aditya Srivastava.....My uptu general rank is 27223.....what are my chances of getting any college in uptu............
ReplyDelete@Aditya: You will get the uptu college for sure.
ReplyDelete@ROCKSTAR: you will get Rishi Institute of Engineering & Technology Meerut,Nikhil Institute of Engineering & Management Mathura,Bon Maharaj Engineering College Mathura,Shanti Institute of Technology Meerut,DNS College of Engineering and Technology Amroha J.P. Naga,Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology Meerut,Institute of Engineering & Management Mathura ,Gyan Bharti Institute of Technology Meerut
ma general rank is 10193 BCGL is 216 plz tel me wich coleg du i xpect in ece or mechanical deepika
ReplyDelete@nikki:u will get a good college in b.arch not in btech
@kiran: u won't get top pvt. colleges but u get some desent cllgs
@ranbir:same as kiran
@akshay:u can get some good pvt colleges like gla,ims,indraprasth.u can also get ferooz gandhi cllg(govt)
@radha:plz provide ur gen rank
gen rank is 10193
ReplyDeletemy gen rank 69806.can iget any coolege in noida.sir i can not get any counsling letter what i do
ReplyDeletesir my general rank is 31062 and 1356 in sc categary.Can i get any gov. college in up
ReplyDeletesir my genral rank is 14347 and 1151 in sc categary. can i get any gov.. college in up
ReplyDeletemy rank is 72947 and21004(obc)
ReplyDeletecan i get civil trade.
plz also tell me some good clgs........
ReplyDelete@bebo:u can get govt college.....go for mmm or iet.........u have a good chance there
@vicky:u can get colleges in noida except colleges like galgotia,jss,skyline.........try accurate
@PIN2:u have little chances of getting govt colleges.....try for pvt colleges
@anil:yes u can get colleges like mmm or bundelkhand.....u have to compromise for branch for hbti or iet
plzzzzzzzz tell me top clgs in meerut
ReplyDeletethat i can take admission
plz provide ur gen rank then ur cat. rank.........don't leave ur email here...........
ReplyDelete@vikrant:its difficult to get good colleges with ur rank..............u can get Rishi Institute of Engineering & Technology Meerut,Nikhil Institute of Engineering & Management Mathura,Bon Maharaj Engineering College Mathura,Shanti Institute of Technology Meerut,DNS College of Engineering and Technology Amroha J.P. Naga,Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology Meerut,Institute of Engineering & Management Mathura ,Gyan Bharti Institute of Technology Meerut
ReplyDeleteTHANK U
sir my rank is 74000 in uptu, which gud eng college i can expect in noida and gr. noida..?
ReplyDeletethank you..
my rank is 2782.which college is better for me?
@abhishek1:try united cllg(ald),hindustan cllg(mathura)and kiet(modinagar)
ReplyDelete@abhishek2:try skyline,accurate,greater noida it(gr noida)and noida ins of tech etc
@abhishek3:go for govt cllgs like mmm,bundelkhand,iet and hbti(compromise with branch)
hi my name is montu my general rank 9998 and bcaf 93 tell me about college on my id
ReplyDeletehi my name jyoti i got 126604 rank in genral and 38608 rank in obc 24436 in gc and 5889 in bcgs. so which college will i get in uptu, and for which categorry i have to go for counceling obc or genral,,,,,,,,,,my id
ReplyDeletemy gen. rank is 40054........plz suggest me some good college in ghaziabad or ncr region.........
ReplyDeletehi sir,this is sidhant here..
ReplyDeletei got 45014 rank in seeutpu-2010
i want a college i noida or ghaziabad....plzzzzzz tell me the best college i can get at this rank in the councelling...and what all options can i fill during the on campus councelling
and what can i get during the second councelling..!!
sir please help...i am really depressed and down..!!
Sidhant there is no need to be depress, if you really want to join the uptu college this year, then, according to me as an previous uptu student, take the best possible college in first counselling and hope for the improvement in the uptu secound counselling 2010. After joining the college,any uptu college, I'm sure you feel comfortable.
ReplyDeleteI am also finding some colleges for my cousin around your rank.I will place here for you.
hii my name money
ReplyDeletei am not able to fill the date of birth in off-campus registration form.....
can someone please tell me what i have to do now ?????????
ReplyDeletemy uptu rank is 6800...
an i get government colledges .
how to aply for online councelling
ReplyDeletesir,my genral rank is115277 and rank in bc 34781,plz tell me any private colz in gzb near about city
ReplyDeletemy general rank in Btech Biotech is 462
and in girls is 145.
Can is get the IMS for btech biotech???
while doing the offcampus counselling, why i am getting-"no choice is available for this candidate, contact ur counselling cell??"
Thanks for rplying.
Date Of Birth Problem: This happens in uptu sites,it is very frustrating. Try later after some time and use internet explorer, i am sure your problem will be solved.
ReplyDelete@praveen sir... thanx allot...i will really be thankful if u post some colleges for me that are situated in noida or ghaziabad asap..
ReplyDeleteplease some one clarify my problem plzzzzzz...
ReplyDeletemy btech biotech general rank is 462 and in girls is 145.
will i get IMS??
why in offcampus couselling, it is showing - "NO CHOICE IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS CANDIDATE"
Rupesh from ghazipur
ReplyDeletePl. tell me about colleses for Gen rank 145192 and obc 44899 for
sir my uptu rank is 3861 in MBA stream suggest me that which college can i get
ReplyDeletei am tanish n i hav got 46927 rank in general in uptusee 2010. What is the best i can get?????
sir i hav 1200 rank in diploma catgry can i get admission in galgotia or plz suggest me a bttr collg according to my rank,,,i want mechnical
ReplyDeletesir my name is ankit and my rank in uptu is gen:55632, obc:15655. sir please send me the best private college in lucknow along with the stream to my account
ReplyDeletesir my rank in uptu is gen 1574 sir plz send me the best college for mca to my account
ReplyDeletehello sir i got general rank 11178 and obc 2856 can i get galgotia plz reply me
ReplyDeletemy name is vidur kumar,meri utu me mca men gen rank 2850 hai,mujhe kom sa colez mil skta hai gzb mein, email id is
ReplyDeletemy name is sanjeev kumar,meri utu me mca men gen rank 5143 hai,mujhe kom sa colez mil skta hai gzb mein, email id is
ReplyDeletemy name is neha singh sir my rank is 97500 with AIR force ouata 2507 so please search any good colledge for me
ReplyDeletemy uptu gen. rank is 11583 n in bcgirl 271 can i get govt. college
ReplyDelete@cute:u hav good chances of getting govt if you compromise with branch
ReplyDelete@mohit:with this rank u can get better coll like jss nd akg...........go for them....u can surely get galgotia though
@rahul:with this rank u can get jss or akg ........yes u can get govt coll if u wait till 2nd counselling
ReplyDeleteI am pradeep... my son appeared in see uptu this year and has got 21000 rank in general category and 70th rank in freedom fighter category...but sir right now he is very ill as he has stone in his gall bladder and may not be able to attend the councelling,so sir i just want to ask that whether i can attend the counselling insted of my son..
@anuj:thats not possible can't be attended by other than student himself.....i will suggest u to contact the authorities.....otherwise wait for the 2nd counselling
ReplyDelete@money- hey use internet explorer instead of google crome r other link
ReplyDeletemy gen is 11583 n in bcgl 271 can i get hbti kanpur
ReplyDeletei am mahendra ,my gen rank is 54450 for plz suggest me good colleges in noida, ghaziabad or nearby
sir plz send me colleges list on my account general rank is 95434 and obc rank pls can u suggest me which coll can i get with CS and IT branch.
ReplyDelete@vivek:no hbti is nt possible in 1st counselling with ur rank
ReplyDelete@mahendra:skyline(noida),krishna engg cllg(gzb),ideal inst.(gzb),gnit(noida)
@pooja:plz provide accurate rank......4246 obc rnk is not possible with 95434 rnk
@akash....plz help me too
ReplyDeletemy rank is 45014...i want a college in ncr only...plz help....
and what about second councelling??
mairi rank MCA mai 4990 hain 1702 obc main hai 30 ko maira BCA KA papar hai sikkim mainpal university mai councelling nahi de sakta plz. help me. AMIT VISHWAKARMA 9307404027
ReplyDelete@sidhant:u can try skyline(noida),krishna engg cllg(gzb),ideal inst.(gzb),gnit(noida),ims(gzb),nit(noida)
ReplyDeleteif u don't get the coll u want in the 1st counselling u can wait till the 2nd counselling.....with some good luck u can get better cllg
hello sir please help me my uptu general rank is 3816 please please suggest me that which college can i get in counselling i m very confused please ................ in mba stream
ReplyDelete@akash..thanx a lott
ReplyDeletebut can i get abes or ipec in second councellin.g.??
hello sir dis is rupali n my genral rank 22500 cn i get feeroj gandhi inst.of tech.raebareli for cs r ec branch. n reply on
ReplyDeletehi sir my gen. rank is 22076 n my BCGL rank 600 cn i get IET Lucknow, BBD Lucknow & Ramswaroop Lucknow, FGIT Raebareli in (EC or CS) pls quickly reply on
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemy genral rank is.....13768.....and.....obc
ReplyDeleterank is......3519.........
pls pvt. colleges for me...!!!
my general rank is 133039.and in girls 25000.pls suggest some colleges will i able to get any gud college or not..........plzz help
ReplyDeletesir i wnt to say dat by mistake i hv markd upge in ma form bt i am a candidate of upgd so will it make a problem during councelling
ReplyDeletewell i hv d domicile also of my father
plzz replyyy sirrrrrr
My gen. rank is.......56843 & Cat(SC) Rank is.....................3267 Plz suggest best private college for me!!!!! Thanks...................
ReplyDeletesir my general rank is can i get cs in galgotia.....or IT in jss..plzzz reply sir....thanks
ReplyDeletesir plzzz tell me my rank is 7700 gen wat can i expect
with cs or IT as preference
@chemistry:prefer jss then akg then kiet then galgotia...........u have good chances of getting cs r it in any of them
ReplyDelete@raman:go for jss,akg or kiet
@shubh:u can get bbd with this rnk or fgit
@shubh:rupali u have good chances of getting cs or it thr...........but also try other cllg
plz don't leave ur email id here..............
ReplyDeletemy genral rank is 1 lak and obc rank is 48000 please suggest me a good private colleage in agra from faizan qureshi
ReplyDeleteHi My Rank is GN-4025in UPTU. What the chances to get Gov college with Mechanical Branch.
ReplyDeletesir if if i get....IT in jss
ReplyDeleteand cs in galgotia
then which one to take??
a lot
my rank is 7700 gen
counselling is tommorow...thanks in advance
@aksah sir...
ReplyDeleteplzzzzzz solve my querry sir....m in serious jeopardy....plz tell me....can i get abes or ipec in second round of councelling at my gen rank 45k..???
plzzz help sirr...i will b really thankful to u..!!!
ReplyDeletesir my gen. rank in B.Arch. is 5486 & in BC cat. my rank is 1367 can i get any govt. college plz me soon my contactno 8126502506
@sidhant:u can get new abes coll but i m not sure abt the older one.....if u don't get the cllg u want in 1st counselling ......then only wait for the 2nd counselling.........its a risk
ReplyDeleteSir I gain 8395 in Gr for MBA please suggest me gud colleges according my ranking at my gmail id
ReplyDeletei am going to take admission somewhere...may be niet gr8r noida...and i will hope to improve in the 2nd round of councelling..!!
thats y i was asking whether i can get the old abes or ipec in 2nd round..or wot better college than niet can i get in 2nd round..??
@sidhant:u can give it a try ......thr r good chances of getting cllg better than the ones u got in 1st counselling
ReplyDeletewho can participate in second counselling?
i have attended ist counslling and got a seat in ideal in IT course. but i wanted indraprastha college. can you please tell me that i need to submit RS.10000 drAFT or not to take part in II second counselling?
as it is not refundable.
or in second counselling will i have to submit 5000 rupees again. please tell me as soon as possible
@candy:go to ur counselling centre........u will get all the info thr........u will be given rs 5000 back............
ReplyDeletehey.. i dont have upgd[cert] bit late for that
ReplyDeleteso i think i will only be alloted AI seats for mba..
i wantd know hw many AI seats for mba in each col..??
hi my b.arch rank is 3522 general category can i get govt college?
ReplyDeletehello sir,
ReplyDeletemyself rashi. i'ave done my study from up. but my brother fill upgd(which means i've done my study from other state but my parents are domicile of u.p.)
sir plz tell me...what should i do?
is this create any problem in my counselling.
my counselling will be held on 28 july.
plz reply me soon
ReplyDeleteTeemendra mohan varshney
Sir my general rank in B.Tech 87135. Pls suggest best private college for me for mechanical branch.
hi i m asif i m a addmission consultant any student admission in kiet ,galgotia,jss noida,united,etc top college and i have some no donation top college me 07607927187
ReplyDeleteHello sir have scored 4972 rank in general category and 1575 rank in girls category in UPSEE please suggets the best college which could get for MBA reply on
ReplyDeleteHello sir have scored 4972 rank in general category and 1575 rank in girls category in UPSEE please suggets the best college which could get for MBA reply on
ReplyDeletemy uptu rank is 3660 in general category please let me know the colleges that i can get?? specially government colleges?
ReplyDeletemy general rank is 52000,obc rank is near about 16000.....plz let me know about the best college which i can opt on this rank.....should i get semi-govt college on this rank????for civil,or mechanical.....plz do reply sir...
ReplyDeletehello..........i have got 2362 rank in b arch in general category(UPTU) which best collage i can get
ReplyDeletesir i am shubham my general rank is (GN14286)(BC4006) with cs branch which semi_government or private college can i get?
ReplyDeletesir my gen. rank is 6412 in upgl category 683
ReplyDeletecan i get govt. college????????
You can try for IT in BIET,Jhansi or IT IN KNIT,SULTANPUR
ReplyDeleteAnd Rini you can try for some other branches too. Like CS and Electronics in these colleges. N dont forget to appear for the second councilling as well. Ur allotment of first remains intact unless and until u get a fresh allotment in the second round. If you dont get anything in the second round the allotment of the first round will stand
ReplyDeletemy general rank in B.Tech & B.Tech(Ag.) Stream for upsee is 34683.
and while doing the off-campus counselling, it is showing-"Seat Not Available for this candidate
Please Contact to Counseling Cell... "
can anybody please help me with this..
thanx in advance